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我们注重承诺,注重信誉。关注员工的发展,有一个稳定的专业人才队伍和可靠的服务网络,与主要航运公司很长一段时间(中海,说那里,CMA, CCNI SAFMARING,海德拉巴,等)保持良好的合作关系,在多个路线(在西非,北非地中海,南美,东南亚航线)的优势价格。同时与广州、南沙港海关、商检、码头等部门建立了良好、牢固的关系。广州万达国际货运代理有限公司是一家专业从事EMS、UPS、DHL、4px、FedEx国内航空货运及快递业务的专业全球快递物流服务水平的代理公司。已形成较为完善的快递货运网络,提供全方位的空运、快递、货运“-运-送”一站式门到门服务、货到付款、运费到付、中转等服务。公司具有良好的质量和高效专业的快递物流团队,以客户为核心,以专业的精神为您提供安全、经济、专业的快递物流提供全方位、全天候服务,从客户的需求出发,提供差异化、高效和具有成本效益的物流服务在美国。与客户、员工、供应商和合作伙伴建立良好、互信、共赢的关系。公司将积极打造以智能仓储、国际配送、供应链服务为核心、国际领先的跨境进出口电子商务与贸易一体化服务,立志成为广东省跨境电子商务物流第一份额。
CZ航空运输部,CZ国际航空运输代理公司,CZ航空公司,CZ航空机场航空运输代理公司,广州CZ (CAN)国际航班信息列表

1. 在东南亚(缅甸、马来西亚、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、泰国、新加坡)提供上门服务;
2. 专业危险品运输代理;我公司专业从事广州口岸危险品出口运输。我们有自己的危险品仓库,危险品运输车辆和专业的装卸工。
4. 我公司位于黄埔,靠近黄埔港口,靠近海关和商检机构,能够快速、及时的处理各类报检问题和码头事务;
5. 我公司经营灵活,为客户提供采购、收货、拍照、监装、验货、收款、集装箱装车、报关、发货等全套贸易服务;
6. 我公司已指定黄埔商检局的两家代理机构之一,为埃及、伊朗、苏丹、也门、埃塞俄比亚、俄罗斯的国内外制造商和贸易商提供CIFFOB/C&F商检业务。我们将以最好的实力和最优惠的价格竭诚为您服务。
与中远/ MSC /结汇/东方海外/ / MSK /万海和其他大型船公司关闭,在中东,欧洲,非洲,东南亚等航线运价的优势,为中国企业提供预订服务、利比里亚、塞拉利昂和其他国家的货物在装运前检查出入境检验检疫局,同时出口货物清关文件。We pay attention to commitment, pay attention to credibility. Pay attention to the development of the staff, has a stable professional talent team and reliable service network, with major shipping companies for a long time (CSCL, says there, CMA, CCNI, SAFMARING, HYD, etc.) to maintain good partnership, in multiple routes (in west Africa, north Africa, the Mediterranean, South America, southeast Asia routes) the advantage of price. At the same time with guangzhou, nansha port customs, commodity inspection, wharf and other departments such as establish a good, strong relationships. A professional EMS, UPS, DHL, 4 px, FedEx operating domestic air cargo and express delivery of professional global express logistics service level agents, guangzhou wanda international freight agency co., LTD. Has formed a relatively perfect express freight transportation network, provide a full range of air transport, express delivery, freight "- yun - send" one-stop door to door service, cod, freight collect, transfer and other services. The company has a good quality and highly efficient professional Courier logistics team, take the customer as the core, with professional spirit to provide you with security, economic, professional Courier logistics to provide all-round, all-weather services, starting from the needs of customers, provide differentiated, efficient and cost-effective logistics services in the United States. Establish good, mutual trust and win-win relationship with customers, employees, suppliers and partners. The company will actively build an internationally leading integrated service of cross-border import and export e-commerce and trade with intelligent warehousing, international distribution and supply chain service as the core, and aspire to become the first share of cross-border e-commerce logistics in guangdong province.
CZ air transport department, CZ international air transport agency, CZ airlines, CZ aviation airport air transport agency, guangzhou CZ (CAN) international flight information list

China Southern Airlines, short for China Southern Airlines, IATA code CZ, headquarters base in guangzhou baiyun airport (CAN), with blue vertical tail fin inset red kapok as the company logo.
China southern airlines ranks the first in Asia and the third in the world in terms of annual passenger volume, and the first in Asia and the fourth in the world in terms of fleet size. It is the airline company with the most transport aircraft, the most developed route network and the largest annual passenger volume in China. It is also the first airline company in the world that simultaneously operates airbus A380 and Boeing 787.
China southern is the first Chinese mainland airline to join the international aviation alliance (SKYTEAM). China southern, Air China and China Eastern are the three largest civil aviation groups in China.
Our special advantages and services:
1. Provide door-to-door service in southeast Asia (myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore);
2. Professional dangerous goods shipping agent; Our company is specialized in the export transport of dangerous goods in guangzhou port. We have our own dangerous goods warehouse, dangerous goods transport vehicles and professional loading supervisors.
3. With years of experience in customs declaration and inspection in guangzhou port and nansha port, our company can provide customers with various kinds of services such as groceries, household appliances, building materials, lighting, personal items, machinery and equipment, food and other goods for export, bill declaration and container loading at the port, etc.;
4. Our company is located in whampoa, near the port of huangpu and close to the customs and commodity inspection authorities, which enables us to quickly and timely deal with all kinds of customs declaration and inspection problems and dock affairs;
5. Our company is flexible in operation, and provides customers with a full set of trade services, such as procurement, goods receiving, photo taking, loading supervision, goods inspection, payment collection, container loading, customs declaration, and shipping, etc.;
6. Our company has designated one of the two agents of huangpu commodity inspection bureau to provide CIFFOB/C&F commodity inspection business to domestic and foreign manufacturers and traders in Egypt, Iran, Sudan, yemen, Ethiopia and Russia. With the best strength and the most favorable price, we will serve you wholeheartedly.
The shipping department:
With COSCO/MSC/ZIM/OOCL//MSK/ WANHAI and other large ship companies close, in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, southeast Asia and other routes have the advantage of freight rates, for Chinese enterprises to provide booking services, Liberia, sierra leone and other countries before the shipment of goods inspection CIQ, at the same time export cargo clearance documents.

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    • 从事集装箱公路运输多年,积累了丰富的行业经验,目前拥有100多辆整车和固定合作用车。我们可为您提供整箱柜、带发电机的冷藏柜、散货货车及海关监管车辆系列运输服务。具备较强的运力,在旺季还能保证您的出货计划顺利实施吗
    • 我们拥有一批专业的人才,致力于商业项目的运营,根据实际情况和客户的不同需求,制定严格、科学的解决方案。通过整合资源,降低货代企业的成本,使企业能够实现物流的节约型、快速化、高效流通。主要服务项目:代理各大港口货物的进口清关业务,为客户提供全方位的专业服务,主要业务包括木材、家具、咖啡、红酒、化工、食品、私人物品、杂货等进口报关代理
    • 公司自成立以来,不断致力于提高业务能力、工作效率和员工素质,以良好的敬业精神和先进的服务意识,在各方面确立了自己的优势。代理商出口商品数量不断增加。市场份额飞速增长。公司坚持“以人为本”的原则,实践公司与员工共同发展,谋求与客户实现双赢的目标,得到了客户、航运公司和航空公司的大力支持和好评。
      • 实践公司与员工共同发展
      • 代理各大港口货物的进口清关业务。
      • 诚信、品质、快捷、安全,是我们长期追求服务的宗旨和最终追求。
    • “公司全体员工将以商品、经营、服务为核心,以最优质的服务和合理的价格,为客户提供全方位、全天候、高效、无缝的贴心服务。
    • 公司主要从事国际海运、空运、内贸海运等物流运输服务,包括订舱、中转、仓储、集装箱拆装、装配、报关、保险、挂车等多式联运服务及代理进出口业务。近年来,公司更致力于推进保税仓库、仓储物流管理以及在欧美、DDP、DDU等方面的服务。。


    1. 优化运输方案,最合理的运输成本,确保客户的要求符合我们的服务标准。
    2. 目前,区域区域航空运输网络已日趋成熟,区域进出口总额已大幅增加。同时,随着航线的不断拓展,我公司在全球已经发展了168多家代理商和分支机构,通过这些代理商和分支机构,我们可以及时、准确地为客户提供他们需要的各种海外服务。包括代理清关送货、上门服务、代收运费或其他根据客户要求提供的服务。
    3. 主要从事进出口货物的国际运输,包括:海运进出口业务、空运进出口业务、大型工程运输、陆运业务、拖车业务、代理订舱业务、报关、商检、保险等服务及相关进出口贸易运输咨询业务。
      1. 货代业务精通企业
      2. 拥有丰富的物流项目运营经验,已发展成为集货运代理业务、报关业务、报检应用、运输仓储、金融供应链服务于一体的大型物流企业。以资源整合为基础,以物流产业链优化为手段,以综合物流服务为支撑。
      3. 与国内外多家船务公司和我公司航空货运公司保持了长期稳定的合作关系,包括马士基航运、南美船舶、长荣海运、阳明海运、法国达飞、明星航运等。优势航线分布于欧洲、地中海、澳大利亚、中东、印度和巴基斯坦、红海、非洲、美洲等地。
    4. 从事国内海运航空,以及相关仓储、装卸、报关、船舶航空代理、国际货运代理、物流解决方案等。建设覆盖华南大部分地区的物流运营,拥有完善的全球代理网络,能够高效地完成国外清关配送服务。。
    5. 公司将以建立现代化物流企业为目标,竭诚为国内外客户提供全面、高效、完善的综合物流服务。
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